Quassia (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a shrub or small tree, Quassia amara, of tropical America, having pinnate leaves, showy red flowers, and wood with a bitter taste.
  2. any of several other trees having bitter-tasting wood.
  3. a prepared form of the heartwood of any of these trees, used as an insecticide and in medicine as a tonic to dispel intestinal worms.
  1. any tree of the tropical American simaroubaceous genus Quassia, having bitter bark and wood
  2. the bark and wood of Quassia amara and of a related tree, Picrasma excelsa, used in furniture making
  3. a bitter compound extracted from this bark and wood, formerly used as a tonic and anthelmintic, now used in insecticides
Quassia (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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