Question (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
  2. a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation.
  3. a matter of some uncertainty or difficulty; problem (usually followed by of): It was simply a question of time.
  4. a subject of dispute or controversy.
  5. a proposal to be debated or voted on, as in a meeting or a deliberative assembly.
  6. the procedure of putting a proposal to vote.
  7. a problem of public policy submitted to the voters for an expression of opinion.
  8. Law.
    • a controversy that is submitted to a judicial tribunal or administrative agency for decision.
    • the interrogation by which information is secured.
    • judicial examination or trial.
  9. the act of asking or inquiring; interrogation; query.
  10. inquiry into or discussion of some problem or doubtful matter.
verb (used with object)
  1. to ask (someone) a question; ask questions of; interrogate.
  2. to ask or inquire.
  3. to make a question of; doubt: He questioned her sincerity.
  4. to challenge or dispute: She questioned the judge's authority in the case.
verb (used without object)
  1. to ask a question or questions.
  1. beg1 (def. 9).
  2. beyond dispute; without doubt: It was, beyond question, a magnificent performance.
  3. call in / into question,
    • to dispute; challenge.
    • to cast doubt upon; question: This report calls into question all previous research on the subject.
  4. in question,
    • under consideration.
    • in dispute.
  5. not to be considered; unthinkable; impossible: She thought about a trip to Spain but dismissed it as out of the question.
  1. a form of words addressed to a person in order to elicit information or evoke a response; interrogative sentence
  2. a point at issue
  3. a difficulty or uncertainty; doubtful point
    • an act of asking
    • an investigation into some problem or difficulty
  4. a motion presented for debate by a deliberative body
  5. to require members of a deliberative assembly to vote on a motion presented
  6. a matter submitted to a court or other tribunal for judicial or quasi-judicial decision
  7. (in English law) that part of the issue before a court that is decided by the jury
  8. (in English law) that part of the issue before a court that is decided by the judge
  9. beg the question
    • to avoid giving a direct answer by posing another question
    • to assume the truth of that which is intended to be proved
  10. beyond (any) dispute or doubt
  11. call in or into question
    • to make (something) the subject of disagreement
    • to cast doubt upon the validity, truth, etc, of (something)
  12. under discussion
  13. beyond consideration; unthinkable or impossible
  14. to propose marriage
verb (mainly tr)
  1. to put a question or questions to (a person); interrogate
  2. to make (something) the subject of dispute or disagreement
  3. to express uncertainty about the validity, truth, etc, of (something); doubt
Question (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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