- wireless telegraphy or telephony: speeches broadcast by radio.
- an apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts.
- a message transmitted by radio.
- pertaining to, used in, or sent by radio.
- pertaining to or employing radiations, as of electrical energy.
- to transmit (a message, music, etc.) by radio.
- to send a message to (a person) by radio.
- to transmit a message, music, etc., by radio.
- a combining form with the meanings “dealing with radiant energy” (radiometer), “employing or dealing with radio waves” (radioacoustics; radiolocation; radiotelephone), “emitting rays as a result of the breakup of atomic nuclei” (radioactive; radiocarbon), “characterized by, employing or dealing with such rays” (radiography; radiopaque; radiotherapy).
- the use of electromagnetic waves, lying in the radio-frequency range, for broadcasting, two-way communications, etc
- an electronic device designed to receive, demodulate, and amplify radio signals from sound broadcasting stations, etc
- a similar device permitting both transmission and reception of radio signals for two-way communications
- the broadcasting, content, etc, of sound radio programmes
- the occupation or profession concerned with any aspect of the broadcasting of sound radio programmes
- relating to, produced for, or transmitted by sound radio
- short for radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, radiotelephone
- (modifier)
- of, relating to, employed in, or sent by radio signals
- of, concerned with, using, or operated by radio frequencies
- (of a motor vehicle) equipped with a radio for communication
- to transmit (a message) to (a person, radio station, etc) by means of radio waves
- denoting radio, broadcasting, or radio frequency
- indicating radioactivity or radiation
- indicating a radioactive isotope or substance