Ransom (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the redemption of a prisoner or kidnapped person, of captured goods, etc., for a price.
  2. the sum or price paid or demanded.
  3. a means of deliverance or rescue from punishment for sin, especially the payment of a redemptive fine.
verb (used with object)
  1. to redeem from captivity, bondage, detention, etc., by paying a demanded price.
  2. to release or restore on receipt of a ransom.
  3. to deliver or redeem from punishment for sin.
  1. U.S. poet, critic, and teacher.
  1. the release of captured prisoners, property, etc, on payment of a stipulated price
  2. the price demanded or stipulated for such a release
  3. rescue or redemption of any kind
  4. hold to ransom
    • to keep (prisoners, property, etc) in confinement until payment for their release is made or received
    • to attempt to force (a person or persons) to comply with one's demands
  5. a very large amount of money or valuables
verb (tr)
  1. to pay a stipulated price and so obtain the release of (prisoners, property, etc)
  2. to set free (prisoners, property, etc) upon receiving the payment demanded
  3. to redeem; rescue
  1. John Crowe . 1888–1974, US poet and critic
Ransom (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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