Rasp (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to scrape or abrade with a rough instrument.
  2. to scrape or rub roughly: The glacier rasped the valley floor.
  3. to grate upon or irritate: The sound rasped his nerves.
  4. to utter with a grating sound: to rasp out an answer.
verb (used without object)
  1. to scrape or grate.
  2. to make a grating sound.
  1. an act of rasping.
  2. a rasping sound.
  3. a coarse file, used mainly on wood, having separate conical teeth.
  4. (in an insect) a roughened surface used in stridulation.
  1. a harsh grating noise
  2. a coarse file with rows of raised teeth
  1. to scrape or rub (something) roughly, esp with a rasp; abrade
  2. to utter with or make a harsh grating noise
  3. to irritate (one's nerves or senses); grate (upon)
  1. an informal or Scot word for raspberry
Rasp (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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