Receive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), re·ceived, re·ceiv·ing.
  1. to take into one's possession (something offered or delivered): to receive many gifts.
  2. to have (something) bestowed, conferred, etc.: to receive an honorary degree.
  3. to have delivered or brought to one: to receive a letter.
  4. to get or be informed of: to receive instructions;to receive news.
  5. to be burdened with; sustain: to receive a heavy load.
  6. to hold, bear, or contain: The nut receives a bolt and a washer.The plaster receives the impression of the mold.
  7. to take into the mind; apprehend mentally: to receive an idea.
  8. to accept from another by hearing or listening: A priest received his confession.
  9. to meet with; experience: to receive attention.
  10. to suffer the injury of: He received a terrific blow on the forehead.
  11. to be at home to (visitors): They received their neighbors on Sunday.
  12. to greet or welcome (guests, visitors, etc.) upon arriving: They received us at the front door.
  13. to admit (a person) to a place: The butler received him and asked him to wait in the drawing room.
  14. to admit into an organization, membership, etc.: to receive someone into the group.
  15. to accept as authoritative, valid, true, or approved: a principle universally received.
  16. to react to in the manner specified: to receive a proposal with contempt;She received the job offer with joy.
verb (used without object), re·ceived, re·ceiv·ing.
  1. to receive something.
  2. to receive visitors or guests.
  3. to convert incoming electromagnetic waves into the original signal.
  4. to receive the Eucharist: He receives every Sunday.
verb (mainly tr)
  1. to take (something offered) into one's hand or possession
  2. to have (an honour, blessing, etc) bestowed
  3. to accept delivery or transmission of (a letter, telephone call, etc)
  4. to be informed of (news or information)
  5. to hear and consent to or acknowledge (an oath, confession, etc)
  6. (of a vessel or container) to take or hold (a substance, commodity, or certain amount)
  7. to support or sustain (the weight of something); bear
  8. to apprehend or perceive (ideas, etc)
  9. to experience, undergo, or meet with
  10. to be at home to (visitors)
  11. to greet or welcome (visitors or guests), esp in formal style
  12. to admit (a person) to a place, society, condition, etc
  13. to accept or acknowledge (a precept or principle) as true or valid
  14. to convert (incoming radio signals) into sounds, pictures, etc, by means of a receiver
  15. to play at the other end from the server; be required to return (service)
  16. to partake of (the Christian Eucharist)
  17. to buy and sell stolen goods
Receive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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