Relax (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to make less tense, rigid, or firm; make lax: to relax the muscles.
  2. to diminish the force of.
  3. to slacken or abate, as effort, attention, etc.
  4. to make less strict or severe, as rules, discipline, etc.: to relax the requirements for a license.
  5. to release or bring relief from the effects of tension, anxiety, etc.: A short swim always relaxes me.
verb (used without object)
  1. to become less tense, rigid, or firm.
  2. to become less strict or severe; grow milder.
  3. to reduce or stop work, effort, application, etc., especially for the sake of rest or recreation.
  4. to release oneself from inhibition, worry, tension, etc.
  1. to make (muscles, a grip, etc) less tense or rigid or (of muscles, a grip, etc) to become looser or less rigid
  2. to take rest or recreation, as from work or effort
  3. to lessen the force of (effort, concentration, etc) or (of effort) to become diminished
  4. to make (rules or discipline) less rigid or strict or (of rules, etc) to diminish in severity
  5. (of a person) to become less formal; unbend
Relax (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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