Relief (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain, distress, oppression, etc.
  2. a means or thing that relieves pain, distress, anxiety, etc.
  3. money, food, or other help given to those in poverty or need.
  4. something affording a pleasing change, as from monotony.
  5. release from a post of duty, as by the arrival of a substitute or replacement.
  6. the person or persons acting as replacement.
  7. the rescue of a besieged town, fort, etc., from an attacking force.
  8. the freeing of a closed space, as a tank or boiler, from more than a desirable amount of pressure or vacuum.
  9. a fine or composition which the heir of a feudal tenant paid to the lord for the privilege of succeeding to the estate.
  10. Literature.
    • a distinct or abrupt change in mood, scene, action, etc., resulting in a reduction of intensity, as in a play or novel.
    • comic relief.
  1. receiving financial assistance from a municipal, state, or federal government because of poverty or need.
  1. prominence, distinctness, or vividness due to contrast.
  2. the projection of a figure or part from the ground or plane on which it is formed, as in sculpture or similar work.
  3. a piece or work in such projection.
  4. an apparent projection of parts in a painting, drawing, etc., giving the appearance of the third dimension.
  5. the differences in elevation and slope between the higher and lower parts of the land surface of a given area.
  6. any printing process, as letterpress or flexography, in which the printing ink is transferred to paper or another printed surface from areas that are higher than the rest of the block.
  1. a feeling of cheerfulness or optimism that follows the removal of anxiety, pain, or distress
  2. deliverance from or alleviation of anxiety, pain, distress, etc
    • help or assistance, as to the poor, needy, or distressed
    • (as modifier)
  3. short for tax relief
  4. something that affords a diversion from monotony
  5. a person who replaces or relieves another at some task or duty
  6. a bus, shuttle plane, etc, that carries additional passengers when a scheduled service is full
  7. a road (relief road) carrying traffic round an urban area; bypass
    • the act of freeing a beleaguered town, fortress, etc
    • (as modifier)
  8. Also called: relievo, rilievo sculpture architect
    • the projection of forms or figures from a flat ground, so that they are partly or wholly free of it
    • a piece of work of this kind
  9. a printing process, such as engraving, letterpress, etc, that employs raised surfaces from which ink is transferred to the paper
  10. any vivid effect resulting from contrast
  11. variation in altitude in an area; difference between highest and lowest level
  12. the removal of the surface material of a bearing area to allow the access of lubricating fluid
  13. redress of a grievance or hardship
  14. a succession of payments made by an heir to a fief to his lord: the size of the relief was determined by the lord within bounds set by custom
  15. (of a person) in receipt of government aid because of personal need
Relief (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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