Repeat (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to say or utter again (something already said): to repeat a word for emphasis.
  2. to say or utter in reproducing the words, inflections, etc., of another: to repeat a sentence after the teacher.
  3. to reproduce (utterances, sounds, etc.) in the manner of an echo, a phonograph, or the like.
  4. to tell (something heard) to another or others.
  5. to do, make, or perform again: to repeat an action.
  6. to go through or undergo again: to repeat an experience.
verb (used without object)
  1. to do or say something again.
  2. to cause a slight regurgitation: The onions I ate are repeating on me.
  3. to vote illegally by casting more than one vote in the same election.
  1. the act of repeating.
  2. something repeated; repetition.
  3. a duplicate or reproduction of something.
  4. a decorative pattern repeated, usually by printing, on a textile or the like.
  5. Music.
    • a passage to be repeated.
    • a sign, as a vertical arrangement of dots, calling for the repetition of a passage.
  6. a radio or television program that has been broadcast at least once before.
  1. to say or write (something) again, either once or several times; restate or reiterate
  2. to do or experience (something) again once or several times
  3. to occur more than once
  4. to reproduce (the words, sounds, etc) uttered by someone else; echo
  5. to utter (a poem, speech, etc) from memory; recite
  6. (intr)
    • (of food) to be tasted again after ingestion as the result of belching or slight regurgitation
    • to belch
  7. to tell to another person (the words, esp secrets, imparted to one by someone else)
  8. (of a clock) to strike the hour or quarter-hour just past, when a spring is pressed
  9. to vote (illegally) more than once in a single election
  10. to say or do the same thing more than once, esp so as to be tedious
    • the act or an instance of repeating
    • (as modifier)
  1. a word, action, etc, that is repeated
  2. an order made out for goods, provisions, etc, that duplicates a previous order
  3. a duplicate copy of something; reproduction
  4. a further broadcast of a programme, film, etc, which has been broadcast before
  5. a passage that is an exact restatement of the passage preceding it
Repeat (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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