Repost (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to reaffix or replace (a notice, bulletin, sign, etc.):All my “lost dog” signs got blown away in the storm, so I’ve reposted them around town.
  2. Digital Technology.
    • to resubmit (an online message, text, or image, often one originated by another user) to a message board, mailing list, website, or social media site: This blog post was originally published several years ago, but it's such useful information that we like to repost it every winter.
    • to submit (an existing online message, text, or image, often one originated by another user) to a different message board, electronic mailing list, website, or social media site: You may download the photos for your own collection, but you may not repost them to another website.
verb (used without object)
  1. Digital Technology.
    • to resubmit an online message, text, or image to a message board, mailing list, website, or social media site, often one originated by another user:About twelve hours of posts may have been deleted, so check back over the last day and repost if you lost a post or two.
    • to submit an existing online message, text, or image to another message board, mailing list, website, or social media site: Please feel free to repost as widely as you can.
  1. an online message, image, article, etc., that has been posted multiple times or on multiple message boards, mailing lists, websites, or social media sites: This is a repost corrected for typos, punctuation, spelling, and some grammatical issues.I’m pretty sure this article is a repost of something from a few years ago.
verb (used without object)
  1. to reassign to a new job or location:To avoid the scandal, he was quickly reposted to London, far away from Washington.Employees may be reposted to other departments depending on the needs of the organization.
Repost (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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