Resident (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who resides in a place.
  2. a physician who joins the medical staff of a hospital as a salaried employee for a specified period to gain advanced training usually in a particular field, being in full-time attendance at the hospital and often living on the premises.
  3. a diplomatic representative, inferior in rank to an ambassador, residing at a foreign court.
  4. (formerly) a representative of the British governor general at a court in India.
  5. (formerly) the governor of a residency in the Dutch East Indies.
  1. residing; dwelling in a place.
  2. living or staying at a place in discharge of duty.
  3. (of qualities) existing; intrinsic.
  4. (of birds) not migratory.
  5. Computers.
    • encoded and permanently available to a computer user, as a font in a printer's ROM or software on a CD-ROM.
    • (of a computer program) currently active or standing by in computer memory.
  1. a person who resides in a place
  2. an occupant of a welfare agency home
  3. (esp formerly) a representative of the British government in a British protectorate
  4. (esp in the 17th century) a diplomatic representative ranking below an ambassador
  5. (in India, formerly) a representative of the British governor general at the court of a native prince
  6. a bird or other animal that does not migrate
  7. a physician who lives in the hospital where he or she works while undergoing specialist training after completing his or her internship
  8. a junior doctor, esp a house officer, who lives in the hospital in which he or she works
  1. living in a place; residing
  2. living or staying at a place in order to discharge a duty, etc
  3. (of qualities, characteristics, etc) existing or inherent (in)
  4. (of birds and other animals) not in the habit of migrating
Resident (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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