Residual (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. pertaining to or constituting a residue or remainder; remaining; leftover.
  2. Mathematics.
    • formed by the subtraction of one quantity from another: a residual quantity.
    • (of a set) having complement of first category.
  3. of or relating to the payment of residuals.
  4. remaining in an organ or part following normal discharge or expulsion: residual air.
  5. remaining after the soluble elements have been dissolved: residual soil.
  1. a residual quantity; remainder.
  2. something that remains to discomfort or disable a person following an illness, injury, operation, or the like; disability: His residuals are a weak heart and light-headedness.
  3. Mathematics.
    • the deviation of one of a set of observations or numbers from the mean of the set.
    • the deviation between an empirical and a theoretical result.
  4. a slight deviation of an adjusted compass on a certain heading.
  5. additional pay given to a performer for reruns, repeated use of a film, radio or TV commercial, or the like, in which the performer appears.
  1. of, relating to, or designating a residue or remainder; remaining; left over
  2. (of deposits, soils, etc) formed by the weathering of pre-existing rocks and the removal of disintegrated material
  3. of or relating to the payment of residuals
  1. something left over as a residue; remainder
  2. statistics
    • the difference between the mean of a set of observations and one particular observation
    • the difference between the numerical value of one particular observation and the theoretical result
  3. payment made to an actor, actress, musician, etc, for subsequent use of film in which the person appears
Residual (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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