Revive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), re·vived, re·viv·ing.
  1. to activate, set in motion, or take up again; renew: to revive old feuds.
  2. to restore to life or consciousness: We revived him with artificial respiration.
  3. to put on or show (an old play or motion picture) again.
  4. to make operative or valid again.
  5. to bring back into notice, use, or currency: to revive a subject of discussion.
  6. to quicken or renew in the mind; bring back: to revive memories.
  7. to reanimate or cheer (the spirit, heart, etc., or a person).
  8. to restore or reduce to the natural or uncombined state, as a metal.
verb (used without object), re·vived, re·viv·ing.
  1. to return to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, or a flourishing condition.
  2. to recover from financial depression.
  3. to be quickened, restored, or renewed, as hope, confidence, suspicions, or memories.
  4. to return to notice, use, or currency, as a subject, practice, or doctrine.
  5. to become operative or valid again.
  6. to recover the natural or uncombined state, as a metal.
  1. to bring or be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength; resuscitate or be resuscitated
  2. to give or assume new vitality; flourish again or cause to flourish again
  3. to make or become operative or active again
  4. to bring or come into use or currency again
  5. to take up again
  6. to bring or come back to mind
  7. to mount a new production of (an old play)
Revive (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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