Rip (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), ripped, rip·ping.
  1. to cut or tear apart in a rough or vigorous manner: to rip open a seam; to rip up a sheet.
  2. to cut or tear away in a rough or vigorous manner: to rip bark from a tree.
  3. to saw (wood) in the direction of the grain.
  4. to copy (audio or video files from a CD, DVD, or website) to a hard drive or mobile device, typically by extracting the raw data and changing the file format in the process: Can you rip this CD for me?
verb (used without object), ripped, rip·ping.
  1. to become torn apart or split open: Cheap cloth rips easily.
  2. to move with violence or great speed: The sports car ripped along in a cloud of dust and exhaust fumes.
  1. a rent made by ripping; tear.
  2. a cheat, swindle, or theft; ripoff: The average consumer doesn't realize that the new tax is a rip.
Verb Phrases
  1. to attack physically or verbally; assail.
  2. rip off, Slang.
    • to steal or pilfer.
    • to rob or steal from.
    • to swindle, cheat, or exploit; take advantage of: phony charity appeals that rip off a gullible public.
  3. to utter angrily, as with an oath or exclamation.
  1. let rip, Slang.
    • to utter a series of oaths; swear.
    • to speak or write violently, rapidly, or at great length.
    • to allow to proceed at full speed or without restraint.
  1. a stretch of turbulent water at sea or in a river.
noun Informal.
  1. a dissolute or worthless person.
  2. a worthless or worn-out horse.
  3. something of little or no value.
  1. a male given name, form of Robert.
  1. rest in peace:
    • (used, especially on grave markers and memorials, to wish peace after death upon a deceased person).
    • (used to indicate that a person or thing has been destroyed or damaged): RIP to my dignity after that awful spin class.
verb rips, ripping or ripped
  1. to tear or be torn violently or roughly; split or be rent
  2. to remove hastily, carelessly, or roughly
  3. to move violently or precipitously; rush headlong
  4. to pour violent abuse (on); make a verbal attack (on)
  5. to saw or split (wood) in the direction of the grain
  6. to copy (music or software) without permission or making any payment
  7. to act or speak without restraint
  1. the place where something is torn; a tear or split
  2. short for ripsaw
  1. short for riptide (def. 1)
noun informal, archaic
  1. something or someone of little or no value
  2. an old worn-out horse
  3. a dissolute character; reprobate
abbreviation for
  1. requiescat or requiescant in pace
    Rip (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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