Rising (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. advancing, ascending, or mounting: rising smoke.
  2. growing or advancing to adult years: the rising generation.
adverb Informal.
  1. somewhat more than: The crop came to rising 6000 bushels.
  2. in approach of; almost; well-nigh: a lad rising sixteen.
  1. the act of a person or thing that rises.
  2. an insurrection; rebellion; revolt.
  3. something that rises; projection or prominence.
  4. a period of leavening of dough preceding baking.
  5. a morbid swelling, as an abscess or boil.
  6. a stringer supporting the thwarts of an open boat.
  1. an insurrection or rebellion; revolt
  2. the yeast or leaven used to make dough rise in baking
adjective (prenominal)
  1. increasing in rank, status, or reputation
  2. increasing in maturity; growing up to adulthood
  1. approaching the age of; nearly
Rising (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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