RT (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural RTs, RT's.
  1. retweet (def. 2): Thanks for all of the likes and RTs.
verb (used with or without object) RTd or RT'd or RTed, RTing or RT'ing.
  1. retweet (def. 1): Please RT this important petition.I don’t like to RT blindly.
  1. radiotelegraphy.
  2. radiotelephone.
  3. radiotelephony.
  4. respiratory therapist.
  5. respiratory therapy.
  6. retweet.
  1. right.
abbreviation Football.
  1. right tackle.
abbreviation for
  1. right
abbreviation for
  1. radio telegraphy
  2. radio telephony
RT (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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