Rubidium (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun Chemistry.
  1. a silver-white, metallic, active element resembling potassium, used in photoelectric cells and radio vacuum tubes. Symbol: Rb; atomic weight: 85.47; atomic number: 37; specific gravity: 1.53 at 20°C.
  1. a soft highly reactive radioactive element of the alkali metal group; the 16th most abundant element in the earth's crust (310 parts per million), occurring principally in pollucite, carnallite, and lepidolite. It is used in electronic valves, photocells, and special glass. Symbol: Rb; atomic no: 37; atomic wt: 85.4678; half-life of 87 Rb: 5 × 10 11 years; valency: 1, 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 1.532 (solid), 1.475 (liquid); melting pt: 39.48°C; boiling pt: 688°C
    Rubidium (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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