Rule (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc.: the rules of chess.
  2. the code of regulations observed by a religious order or congregation: the Franciscan rule.
  3. the customary or normal circumstance, occurrence, manner, practice, quality, etc.: the rule rather than the exception.
  4. control, government, or dominion: under the rule of a dictator.
  5. tenure or conduct of reign or office: during the rule of George III.
  6. a prescribed mathematical method for performing a calculation or solving a problem.
  7. ruler (def. 2).
  8. the constellation Norma.
  9. a thin, type-high strip of metal, for printing a solid or decorative line or lines.
  10. Law.
    • a formal order or direction made by a court, as for governing the procedure of the court (general rule ) or for sending the case before a referee (special rule ).
    • a legal principle.
    • a court order in a particular case.
  11. rules, Penology. (formerly)
    • a fixed area in the neighborhood of certain prisons within which certain prisoners were allowed to live.
    • the freedom of such an area.
  12. behavior.
verb (used with object), ruled, rul·ing.
  1. to control or direct; exercise dominating power, authority, or influence over; govern: to rule the empire with severity.
  2. to decide or declare judicially or authoritatively; decree: The judge ruled that he should be exiled.
  3. to mark with lines, especially parallel straight lines, with the aid of aruler or the like: to rule paper.
  4. to mark out or form (a line) by this method: to rule lines on paper.
  5. to be superior or preeminent in (a specific field or group); dominate by superiority; hold sway over: For centuries, England ruled the seas.
verb (used without object), ruled, rul·ing.
  1. to exercise dominating power or influence; predominate.
  2. to exercise authority, dominion, or sovereignty.
  3. to make a formal decision or ruling, as on a point at law.
  4. to be prevalent or current: Higher prices ruled throughout France.
Verb Phrases
  1. rule out,
    • to prove to be unrelated or not for consideration; eliminate; exclude: to rule out the possibility of error.
    • to make impossible or impracticable: The rainstorm ruled out the holiday camping.
  1. generally; usually: He arrives at eleven o'clock, as a rule.
  2. roost (def. 7).
  1. an authoritative regulation or direction concerning method or procedure, as for a court of law, legislative body, game, or other human institution or activity
  2. the exercise of governmental authority or control
  3. the period of time in which a monarch or government has power
  4. a customary form or procedure; regular course of action
  5. the common order of things; normal condition
  6. a prescribed method or procedure for solving a mathematical problem, or one constituting part of a computer program, usually expressed in an appropriate formalism
  7. a formal expression of a grammatical regularity in a linguistic description of a language
  8. any of various devices with a straight edge for guiding or measuring; ruler
    • a printed or drawn character in the form of a long thin line
    • another name for dash 1 (def. 13) en rule; em rule
    • a strip of brass or other metal used to print such a line
  9. a systematic body of prescriptions defining the way of life to be followed by members of a religious order
  10. an order by a court or judge
  11. normally or ordinarily
  1. to exercise governing or controlling authority over (a people, political unit, individual, etc)
  2. to decide authoritatively; decree
  3. to mark with straight parallel lines or make one straight line, as with a ruler
  4. to restrain or control
  5. to be customary or prevalent
  6. to be pre-eminent or superior
  7. (of a planet) to have a strong affinity with certain human attributes, activities, etc, associated with (one or sometimes two signs of the zodiac)
  8. to be pre-eminent; be in charge
Rule (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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