Ruth (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. pity or compassion.
  2. sorrow or grief.
  3. self-reproach; contrition; remorse.
  1. a Moabite woman who married Boaz and became an ancestor of David: the daughter-in-law of Naomi.
  2. a book of the Bible bearing her name.
  3. a female given name.
  1. U.S. baseball player.
noun archaic
  1. pity; compassion
  2. repentance; remorse
  3. grief or distress
  1. Old Testament
    • a Moabite woman, who left her own people to remain with her mother-in-law Naomi, and became the wife of Boaz; an ancestress of David
    • the book in which these events are recounted
  2. George Herman, nicknamed Babe . 1895–1948, US professional baseball player from 1914 to 1935
Ruth (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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