Salt (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a crystalline compound, sodium chloride, NaCl, occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc., and used for seasoning food, as a preservative, etc.
  2. table salt mixed with a particular herb or seasoning for which it is named: garlic salt;celery salt.
  3. any of a class of compounds formed by the replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms of an acid with elements or groups, which are composed of anions and cations, and which usually ionize in solution; a product formed by the neutralization of an acid by a base.
  4. any of various salts used as purgatives, as Epsom salts.
  5. an element that gives liveliness, piquancy, or pungency: Anecdotes are the salt of his narrative.
  6. wit; pungency.
  7. a small, usually open dish, as of silver or glass, used on the table for holding salt.
  8. a sailor, especially an old or experienced one: He's an old salt who'll be happy to tell you about his years at sea.
verb (used with object)
  1. to season with salt.
  2. to cure, preserve, or treat with salt.
  3. to furnish with salt: to salt cattle.
  4. to treat with common salt or with any chemical salt.
  5. to spread salt, especially rock salt, on so as to melt snow or ice: The highway department salted the roads after the storm.
  6. to introduce rich ore or other valuable matter fraudulently into (a mine, the ground, a mineral sample, etc.) to create a false impression of value.
  7. to add interest or excitement to: a novel salted with witty dialogue.
  1. containing salt; having the taste of salt: salt water.
  2. cured or preserved with salt: salt cod.
  3. inundated by or growing in salt water: salt marsh.
  4. producing the one of the four basic taste sensations that is not sweet, sour, or bitter.
  5. pungent or sharp: salt speech.
Verb Phrases
  1. salt away,
    • to preserve by adding quantities of salt to, as meat.
    • to keep in reserve; store away; save: to salt away most of one's earnings.
  2. to separate (a dissolved substance) from a solution by the addition of a salt, especially common salt.
  1. to make someone's bad situation even worse.
  2. with reserve or allowance; with an attitude of skepticism: Diplomats took the reports of an impending crisis with a grain of salt.
  3. deserving of one's wages or salary: We couldn't find an assistant worth her salt.
adjective Obsolete.
  1. lustful; lecherous.
  1. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
  1. a white powder or colourless crystalline solid, consisting mainly of sodium chloride and used for seasoning and preserving food
  2. preserved in, flooded with, containing, or growing in salt or salty water
  3. any of a class of usually crystalline solid compounds that are formed from, or can be regarded as formed from, an acid and a base by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms in the acid molecules by positive ions from the base
  4. liveliness or pungency
  5. dry or laconic wit
  6. a sailor, esp one who is old and experienced
  7. short for saltcellar
  8. to make someone's pain, shame, etc, even worse
  9. a person or group of people regarded as the finest of their kind
  10. with reservations; sceptically
  11. efficient; worthy of one's pay
verb (tr)
  1. to season or preserve with salt
  2. to scatter salt over (an icy road, path, etc) to melt the ice
  3. to add zest to
  4. to preserve or cure with salt or saline solution
  5. to treat with common salt or other chemical salt
  6. to provide (cattle, etc) with salt
  7. to give a false appearance of value to, esp to introduce valuable ore fraudulently into (a mine, sample, etc)
  1. not sour, sweet, or bitter; salty
  2. rank or lascivious (esp in the phrase a salt wit)
n acronym for
  1. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks or Treaty
    Salt (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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