San (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural Sans, (especially collectively) San for 1.
  1. a member of a nomadic aboriginal people of southern Africa.
  2. any of more than a dozen related Khoisan languages spoken by the San.
  1. a river in central Europe, flowing from the Carpathian Mountains in W Ukraine through SE Poland into the Vistula: battles 1914–15. About 280 miles (450 km) long.
  1. a suffix used in Japanese as a term of respect after names or titles: Suzuki-san; samurai-san.
  1. old-fashioned, informal short for sanatorium
  1. an aboriginal people of southern Africa
  2. a group of the Khoisan languages, spoken mostly by Bushmen
  1. a river in E central Europe, rising in W Ukraine and flowing northwest across SE Poland to the Vistula River. Length: about 450 km (280 miles)
San (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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