Satellite (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a natural body that revolves around a planet; a moon.
  2. a country under the domination or influence of another.
  3. something, as a branch office or an off-campus facility of a university, that depends on, accompanies, or serves something else.
  4. an attendant or follower of another person, often subservient or obsequious in manner.
  5. a device designed to be launched into orbit around the earth, another planet, the sun, etc.
  1. of, relating to, or constituting a satellite: the nation's new satellite program.
  2. using an earth-orbiting satellite to transmit communications signals; transmitted or broadcast by satellite: satellite radio and TV.
  3. subordinate to another authority, outside power, or the like: summoned to a conference of satellite nations.
  1. a celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
  2. a man-made device orbiting around the earth, moon, or another planet transmitting to earth scientific information or used for communication
  3. a person, esp one who is obsequious, who follows or serves another
  4. a country or political unit under the domination of a foreign power
  5. a subordinate area or community that is dependent upon a larger adjacent town or city
  6. subordinate to or dependent upon another
  7. of, used in, or relating to the transmission of television signals from a satellite to the house
  1. to transmit by communications satellite
    Satellite (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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