Scrabble (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), scrab·bled, scrab·bling.
  1. to scratch or scrape, as with the claws or hands.
  2. to grapple or struggle with or as if with the claws or hands.
  3. to scrawl; scribble.
verb (used without object), scrab·bled, scrab·bling.
  1. to scratch or dig frantically with the hands; claw (often followed by at): scrabbling at a locked door to escape the flames.
  2. to jostle or struggle for possession of something; grab or collect something in a disorderly way; scramble.
  1. a scratching or scraping, as with the claws or hands.
  2. a scrawled or scribbled writing.
  3. a disorderly struggle for possession of something; scramble: After the fumble, there was a scrabble for the football.
  1. a brand name for a game combining anagrams and crosswords in which two to four players use counters of various point values to form words on a playing board.
  1. to scrape (at) or grope (for), as with hands or claws
  2. to struggle (with)
  3. to struggle to gain possession, esp in a disorderly manner
  4. to scribble
  1. the act or an instance of scrabbling
  2. a scribble
  3. a disorderly struggle
  1. a board game in which words are formed by placing lettered tiles in a pattern similar to a crossword puzzle
Scrabble (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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