Scutellum (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural scu·tel·la [skyoo-tel-uh]. /skyuˈtɛl ə/.
  1. the shieldlike cotyledon of certain monocots.
  2. a small plate, scutum, or other shieldlike part, as on the thorax of insects or the feet of birds.
noun plural -la (-lə) biology
  1. the last of three plates into which the notum of an insect's thorax is divided
  2. one of the scales on the tarsus of a bird's leg
  3. an outgrowth from a germinating grass seed that probably represents the cotyledon
  4. any other small shield-shaped part or structure
Plural scutella
    Scutellum (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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