Sensation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the operation or function of the senses; perception or awareness of stimuli through the senses.
  2. a mental condition or physical feeling resulting from stimulation of a sense organ or from internal bodily change, as cold or pain.
  3. the faculty of perception of stimuli.
  4. a general feeling not directly attributable to any given stimulus, as discomfort, anxiety, or doubt.
  5. a mental feeling, especially a state of excited feeling.
  6. a state of excited feeling or interest caused among a number of persons or throughout a community, as by some rumor or occurrence.
  7. a cause of such feeling or interest: The new Brazilian movie was the sensation of the film festival.
  1. the power of perceiving through the senses
  2. a physical condition or experience resulting from the stimulation of one of the sense organs
  3. a general feeling or awareness
  4. a state of widespread public excitement
  5. anything that causes such a state
Sensation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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