Separation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. an act or instance of separating or the state of being separated.
  2. a place, line, or point of parting.
  3. a gap, hole, rent, or the like.
  4. something that separates or divides.
  5. Law.
  6. the time or act of releasing a burned-out stage of a rocket or missile from the remainder.
  7. separation negative.
  1. the act of separating or state of being separated
  2. the place or line where a separation is made
  3. a gap that separates
  4. the cessation of cohabitation between a man and wife, either by mutual agreement or under a decree of a court
    • the act of jettisoning a burnt-out stage of a multistage rocket
    • the instant at which such a stage is jettisoned
Separation (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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