Sew (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), sewed, sewn or sewed, sew·ing.
  1. to join or attach by stitches.
  2. to make, repair, etc., (a garment) by such means.
  3. to enclose or secure with stitches: to sew flour in a bag.
  4. to close (a hole, wound, etc.) by means of stitches (usually followed by up).
verb (used without object), sewed, sewn or sewed, sew·ing.
  1. to work with a needle and thread or with a sewing machine.
Verb Phrases
  1. sew up,
    • to get or have a monopoly of; control exclusively.
    • to complete or conclude (arrangements, negotiations, etc.) successfully: They were about to sew up the deal when the argument started.
    • to gain or be assured of: He tried to sew up as many votes as possible before the convention.
verb (used with object), sewed, sew·ing.
  1. to ground (a vessel) at low tide (sometimes followed by by up).
verb (used without object), sewed, sew·ing.
  1. (of a vessel) to be grounded at low tide.
  1. the amount of additional water necessary to float a grounded vessel.
verb sews, sewing, sewed, sewn or sewed
  1. to join or decorate (pieces of fabric, etc) by means of a thread repeatedly passed through with a needle or similar implement
  2. to attach, fasten, or close by sewing
  3. to make (a garment, etc) by sewing
Sew (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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