Shimmy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural shim·mies.
  1. an American ragtime dance marked by shaking of the hips and shoulders.
  2. excessive wobbling in the front wheels of a motor vehicle.
  3. a chemise.
verb (used without object), shim·mied, shim·my·ing.
  1. to dance the shimmy.
  2. to shake, wobble, or vibrate.
noun plural -mies
  1. an American ragtime dance with much shaking of the hips and shoulders
  2. abnormal wobbling motion in a motor vehicle, esp in the front wheels or steering
  3. an informal word for chemise
verb -mies, -mying or -mied (intr)
  1. to dance the shimmy
  2. to vibrate or wobble
Shimmy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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