Shirt (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  2. an undergarment of cotton, or other material, for the upper part of the body.
  3. a shirtwaist.
  4. a nightshirt.
  1. without a coat: It was so hot that they worked in their shirt sleeves.
  2. to refrain from becoming angry or impatient; remain calm: Tell him to keep his shirt on until we're ready.
  3. to lose all that one possesses; suffer a severe financial reverse: He lost his shirt in the stock market.
  1. a garment worn on the upper part of the body, esp by men, usually of light material and typically having a collar and sleeves and buttoning up the front
  2. short for nightshirt, undershirt
  3. refrain from losing your temper (often used as an exhortation to another)
  4. to bet all one has on (a horse, etc)
  5. to lose all one has on (a horse, etc)
Shirt (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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