Sigh (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object)
  1. to let out one's breath audibly, as from sorrow, weariness, or relief.
  2. to yearn or long; pine.
  3. to make a sound suggesting a sigh: sighing wind.
verb (used with object)
  1. to express or utter with a sigh.
  2. to lament with sighing.
  1. the act or sound of sighing.
  1. to draw in and exhale audibly a deep breath as an expression of weariness, despair, relief, etc
  2. to make a sound resembling this
  3. to yearn, long, or pine
  4. to utter or express with sighing
  1. the act or sound of sighing
Sigh (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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