Silent (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. making no sound; quiet; still: a silent motor.
  2. refraining from speech.
  3. speechless; mute.
  4. not inclined to speak; taciturn; reticent.
  5. characterized by absence of speech or sound: a silent prayer.
  6. unspoken; tacit: a silent assent.
  7. omitting mention of something, as in a narrative: The records are silent about this crime.
  8. inactive or quiescent, as a volcano.
  9. not sounded or pronounced: The “b” in “doubt” is a silent letter.
  10. not having spoken dialogue or a soundtrack.
  11. producing no symptoms: silent gallstones.
  1. silent films.
  1. characterized by an absence or near absence of noise or sound
  2. tending to speak very little or not at all
  3. unable to speak
  4. failing to speak, communicate, etc, when expected
  5. not spoken or expressed
  6. not active or in operation
  7. (of a letter) used in the conventional orthography of a word but no longer pronounced in that word
  8. denoting a film that has no accompanying soundtrack, esp one made before 1927, when such soundtracks were developed
  1. a silent film
    Silent (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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