Sit Down (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. done or accomplished while sitting down: sit-down meetings between the two party leaders.
  2. (of a meal or food) served to or intended for persons seated at a table: a sit-down dinner.
  1. a period or instance of sitting, as to relax, talk, or the like: They had a profitable sit-down together.
  2. sit-down strike.
  3. a protest demonstration whereby participants refuse to move from a public place.
  4. a meal, especially a dinner, served to persons who are seated at a table.
verb (adverb)
  1. to adopt or cause (oneself or another) to adopt a sitting posture
  2. to suffer (insults, etc) without protests or resistance
noun sit-down
  1. a form of civil disobedience in which demonstrators sit down in a public place as a protest or to draw attention to a cause
  2. See sit-down strike
adjective sit-down
  1. (of a meal, etc) eaten while sitting down at a table
Sit Down (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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