Skeleton (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the bones of a human or an animal considered as a whole, together forming the framework of the body.
  2. any of various structures forming a rigid framework in an invertebrate.
  3. an emaciated person or animal.
  4. a supporting framework, as of a leaf, building, or ship.
  5. an outline, as of a literary work: the skeleton of the plot.
  6. something reduced to its essential parts.
  1. of or relating to a skeleton.
  2. like or being a mere framework; reduced to the essential or minimal parts or numbers: a skeleton staff.
  1. a person or thing that casts gloom over a joyful occasion; a note or reminder of sorrow in the midst of joy.
  2. skeleton in the closet / cupboard,
    • a family scandal that is concealed to avoid public disgrace.
    • any embarrassing, shameful, or damaging secret.
  1. a hard framework consisting of inorganic material that supports and protects the soft parts of an animal's body and provides attachment for muscles: may be internal (an endoskeleton), as in vertebrates, or external( an exoskeleton), as in arthropods
  2. a very thin emaciated person or animal
  3. the essential framework of any structure, such as a building or leaf, that supports or determines the shape of the rest of the structure
  4. an outline consisting of bare essentials
  5. reduced to a minimum
  6. a scandalous fact or event in the past that is kept secret
    Skeleton (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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