Skeptic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a person who questions the validity or authenticity of something purporting to be factual.
  2. a person who maintains a doubting attitude, as toward values, plans, statements, or the character of others.
  3. a person who doubts the truth of a religion, especially Christianity, or of important elements of it.
  4. (initial capital letter)Philosophy.
    • a member of a philosophical school of ancient Greece, the earliest group of which consisted of Pyrrho and his followers, who maintained that real knowledge of things is impossible.
    • any later thinker who doubts or questions the possibility of real knowledge of any kind.
  1. pertaining to skeptics or skepticism; skeptical.
  2. pertaining to the Skeptics.
noun, adjective
  1. an archaic, and the usual US, spelling of sceptic
Skeptic (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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