Slim (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, slim·mer, slim·mest.
  1. slender, as in girth or form; slight in build or structure.
  2. poor or inferior: a slim chance; a slim excuse.
  3. small or inconsiderable; meager; scanty: a slim income.
  4. sized for the thinner than average person.
verb (used with object), slimmed, slim·ming.
  1. to make slim.
verb (used without object), slimmed, slim·ming.
  1. to become slim.
  2. to try to become more slender, especially by dieting.
  1. a garment size meant for a thin person.
Verb Phrases
  1. slim down,
    • to lose weight, especially intentionally.
    • (of a business) to reduce operating expenses; economize.
adjective slimmer or slimmest
  1. small in width relative to height or length
  2. small in amount or quality
verb slims, slimming or slimmed
  1. to make or become slim, esp by diets and exercise
  2. to reduce or decrease or cause to be reduced or decreased
  1. the E African name for AIDS
  1. William Joseph, 1st Viscount. 1891–1970, British field marshal, who commanded (1943–45) the 14th Army in the reconquest of Burma (now called Myanmar) from the Japanese; governor general of Australia (1953–60)
Slim (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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