Snappy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

adjective, snap·pi·er, snap·pi·est.
  1. apt to snap or bite; snappish, as a dog.
  2. impatient or irritable, as a person or a reply.
  3. snapping or crackling in sound, as a fire.
  4. quick or sudden in action or performance.
  5. crisp, smart, lively, brisk, etc.: Only snappy people get ahead in this world.
  1. to speed up; hurry.
adjective -pier or -piest
  1. apt to speak sharply or irritably
  2. apt to snap or bite
  3. crackling in sound
  4. brisk, sharp, or chilly
  5. smart and fashionable
  6. be quick! hurry up!
Snappy (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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