Snipe (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural snipes, (especially collectively) snipe for 1, 2.
  1. any of several long-billed game birds of the genera Gallinago (sometimes Capella) and Limnocryptes, inhabiting marshy areas, as G. gallinago(com·mon snipe, orwhole snipe ), of Eurasia and North America, having barred and striped white, brown, and black plumage.
  2. any of several other long-billed birds, as some sandpipers.
  3. a shot, usually from a hidden position.
verb (used without object), sniped, snip·ing.
  1. to shoot or hunt snipe.
  2. to shoot at individuals as opportunity offers from a concealed or distant position: The enemy was sniping from the roofs.
  3. to attack a person or a person's work with petulant or snide criticism, especially anonymously or from a safe distance.
noun plural snipe or snipes
  1. any of various birds of the genus Gallinago (or Capella) and related genera, such as G. gallinago (common or Wilson's snipe), of marshes and river banks, having a long straight bill: family Scolopacidae (sandpipers, etc), order Charadriiformes
  2. any of various similar related birds, such as certain sandpipers and curlews
  3. a shot, esp a gunshot, fired from a place of concealment
  1. to attack (a person or persons) with a rifle from a place of concealment
  2. to criticize adversely a person or persons from a position of security
  3. to hunt or shoot snipe
Snipe (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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