Snuff (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object)
  1. to draw in through the nose by inhaling.
  2. to perceive by or as by smelling; sniff.
  3. to examine by smelling, as an animal does.
verb (used without object)
  1. to draw air into the nostrils by inhaling, as to smell something; snuffle: After snuffing around, he found the gas leak.
  2. to draw powdered tobacco into the nostrils; take snuff.
  3. to express disdain, contempt, displeasure, etc., by sniffing (often followed by at).
  1. an act of snuffing; an inhalation through the nose; a sniff.
  2. smell, scent, or odor.
  3. a preparation of tobacco, either powdered and taken into the nostrils by inhalation or ground and placed between the cheek and gum.
  4. a pinch of such tobacco.
  1. up to snuff, Informal.
    • not easily imposed upon; shrewd; sharp.
    • up to a certain standard; satisfactory: His performance wasn't up to snuff.
  1. the charred or partly consumed portion of a candlewick.
  2. a thing of little or no value, especially if left over.
verb (used with object)
  1. to cut off or remove the snuff of (candles, tapers, etc.).
Verb Phrases
  1. snuff out,
    • to extinguish: to snuff out a candle.
    • to suppress; crush: to snuff out opposition.
    • to kill, murder, or bring to a sudden end: Many lives were snuffed out during the epidemic.
  1. to inhale through the nose
  2. (esp of an animal) to examine by sniffing
  1. an act or the sound of snuffing
  1. finely powdered tobacco for sniffing up the nostrils or less commonly for chewing
  2. a small amount of this
  3. any powdered substance, esp one for sniffing up the nostrils
  4. up to snuff informal
    • in good health or in good condition
    • not easily deceived
  1. to use or inhale snuff
verb (tr)
  1. to extinguish (a light from a naked flame, esp a candle)
  2. to cut off the charred part of (the wick of a candle, etc)
  3. to suppress; put an end to
  4. to die
  1. the burned portion of the wick of a candle
Snuff (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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