Sock (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural socks or, for 1 also, sox [soks]. /sɒks/.
  1. a short stocking usually reaching to the calf or just above the ankle.
  2. a lightweight shoe worn by ancient Greek and Roman comic actors.
  3. comic writing for the theater; comedy or comic drama.
  4. a raised vertical area of a club or pad foot.
  5. sock puppet (def. 3).
  1. knock (def. 29).
verb (used with object)
  1. to strike or hit hard.
  1. a hard blow.
  2. a very successful show, performance, actor, etc.: The show was a sock.
  1. extremely successful: a sock performance.
Verb Phrases
  1. to put into savings or reserve.
  2. to close or ground because of adverse weather conditions: The airport was socked in.
  1. a cloth covering for the foot, reaching to between the ankle and knee and worn inside a shoe
  2. an insole put in a shoe, as to make it fit better
  3. a light shoe worn by actors in ancient Greek and Roman comedy, sometimes taken to allude to comic drama in general (as in the phrase sock and buskin)
  4. another name for windsock
  5. to make a determined effort, esp in order to regain control of a situation
  6. be quiet!
  1. to provide with socks
  2. (of an airport) closed by adverse weather conditions
  1. to hit with force
  2. to make a forceful impression on
  1. a forceful blow
Sock (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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