Spine (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. the spinal or vertebral column; backbone.
  2. any backbonelike part.
  3. a stiff, pointed process or appendage on an animal, as a quill of a porcupine, or a sharp, bony ray in the fin of a fish.
  4. something, as a quality or trait, that constitutes a principal strength; resolution; stamina; backbone: a situation that would test a person's spine.
  5. a ridge, as of ground or rock.
  6. a sharp-pointed, hard or woody outgrowth on a plant; thorn.
  7. the back of a book cover or binding, usually indicating the title and author.
  1. the spinal column
  2. the sharply pointed tip or outgrowth of a leaf, stem, etc
  3. a hard pointed process or structure, such as the ray of a fin, the quill of a porcupine, or the ridge on a bone
  4. the back of a book, record sleeve, etc
  5. a ridge, esp of a hill
  6. strength of endurance, will, etc
  7. anything resembling the spinal column in function or importance; main support or feature
    Spine (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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