Splint (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a thin piece of wood or other rigid material used to immobilize a fractured or dislocated bone, or to maintain any part of the body in a fixed position.
  2. one of a number of thin strips of wood woven together to make a chair seat, basket, etc.
  3. an exostosis or bony enlargement of a splint bone of a horse or a related animal.
  4. Armor.
    • any of a number of narrow plates or lames joined with rivets or a backing to form a piece of armor.
    • a partial vambrace protecting only the outer part of the arm.
  5. a splinter of wood or stone.
verb (used with object)
  1. to secure, hold in position, or support by means of a splint or splints, as a fractured bone.
  2. to support as if with splints.
  1. a rigid support for restricting movement of an injured part, esp a broken bone
  2. a thin sliver of wood, esp one that is used to light cigars, a fire, etc
  3. a thin strip of wood woven with others to form a chair seat, basket, etc
  4. inflammation of the small metatarsal or metacarpal bones along the side of the cannon bone of a horse
  5. one of the overlapping metal plates used in armour after about 1330
  6. another word for splinter
  1. to apply a splint to (a broken arm, etc)
Splint (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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