Squab (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural squabs, (especially collectively for 1) squab.
  1. a nestling pigeon, especially a domesticated one raised to an age of about 30 days for its flesh.
  2. the flesh of the squab, used as food: Our squab was served with a butter and raisin sauce.
  3. a short, stout person.
  4. a thickly stuffed, soft cushion.
  1. short and thick or broad.
  2. (of a bird) unfledged or newly hatched.
noun plural squabs or squab
  1. a young unfledged bird, esp a pigeon
  2. a short fat person
    • a well-stuffed bolster or cushion
    • a sofa
  1. (of birds) recently hatched and still unfledged
  2. short and fat
Squab (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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