Squint (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used without object)
  1. to look with the eyes partly closed.
  2. to be affected with strabismus; be cross-eyed.
  3. to look or glance obliquely or sidewise; look askance.
  4. to make or have an indirect reference to or bearing on; tend or incline toward (usually followed by toward, at, etc.).
verb (used with object)
  1. to close (the eyes) partly in looking: The baby squinted his eyes at the bright lights.
  2. to cause to squint; cause to look obliquely.
  1. an act or instance of squinting.
  2. a condition of the eye consisting in noncoincidence of the optic axes; strabismus.
  3. a quick glance: Let me have a squint at that paper.
  4. a looking obliquely or askance.
  5. an indirect reference.
  6. an inclination or tendency, especially an oblique or perverse one.
  7. (in a church) a small opening in a wall giving a view of the altar.
  1. looking obliquely; looking with a side glance; looking askance.
  2. (of the eyes) affected with strabismus.
  1. to cross or partly close (the eyes)
  2. to have a squint
  3. to look or glance sideways or askance
  1. the nontechnical name for strabismus
  2. the act or an instance of squinting; glimpse
  3. a narrow oblique opening in a wall or pillar of a church to permit a view of the main altar from a side aisle or transept
  4. a quick look; glance
  1. having a squint
  2. crooked; askew
Squint (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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