Stability (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural sta·bil·i·ties.
  1. the state or quality of being stable.
  2. firmness in position.
  3. continuance without change; permanence.
  4. resistance or the degree of resistance to chemical change or disintegration.
  5. resistance to change, especially sudden change or deterioration: The stability of the economy encourages investment.
  6. steadfastness; constancy, as of character or purpose: The job calls for a great deal of emotional stability.
  7. the ability of an aircraft to return to its original flying position when abruptly displaced.
  8. a vow taken by a Benedictine monk, binding him to residence for life in the same monastery in which he made the vow.
noun plural -ties
  1. the quality of being stable
  2. the ability of an aircraft to resume its original flight path after inadvertent displacement
  3. meteorol
    • the condition of an air or water mass characterized by no upward movement
    • the degree of susceptibility of an air mass to disturbance by convection currents
  4. the ability of an ecosystem to resist change
  5. the ability of an electrical circuit to cope with changes in the operational conditions
  6. a vow taken by every Benedictine monk attaching him perpetually to the monastery where he is professed
Stability (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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