Steeve (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

verb (used with object), steeved, steev·ing.
  1. to stuff (cotton or other cargo) into a ship's hold.
  1. a long derrick or spar, with a block at one end, used in stowing cargo in a ship's hold.
verb (used without object), steeved, steev·ing.
  1. (of a bowsprit or the like) to incline upward at an angle instead of extending horizontally.
verb (used with object), steeved, steev·ing.
  1. to set (a spar) at an upward inclination.
  1. a spar having a pulley block at one end, used for stowing cargo on a ship
  1. to stow (cargo) securely in the hold of a ship
  1. to incline (a bowsprit or other spar) upwards or (of a bowsprit) to incline upwards at an angle from the horizontal
  1. such an angle
Steeve (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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