Step (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, accompanied by a shifting of the weight of the body in the direction of the new position, as in walking, running, or dancing.
  2. such a movement followed by a movement of equal distance of the other foot: The soldier took one step forward and stood at attention.
  3. the space passed over or the distance measured by one such movement of the foot.
  4. the sound made by the foot in making such a movement.
  5. a mark or impression made by the foot on the ground; footprint.
  6. the manner of walking; gait; stride.
  7. pace in marching: double-quick step.
  8. a pace uniform with that of another or others, or in time with music.
  9. movements or course in walking or running: to retrace one's steps.
  10. a move, act, or proceeding, as toward some end or in the general course of some action; stage, measure, or period: the five steps to success.
  11. rank, degree, or grade, as on a vertical scale.
  12. a support for the foot in ascending or descending: a step of a ladder; a stair of 14 steps.
  13. a very short distance: She was never more than a step away from her children.
  14. a repeated pattern or unit of movement in a dance formed by a combination of foot and body motions.
  15. step aerobics.
  16. Music.
    • a degree of the staff or of the scale.
    • the interval between two adjacent scale degrees; second.
  17. a stepladder.
  18. an offset part of anything.
  19. a socket, frame, or platform for supporting the lower end of a mast.
  20. a flat-topped ledge on the face of a quarry or a mine working.
verb (used without object), stepped, step·ping.
  1. to move, go, etc., by lifting the foot and setting it down again in a new position, or by using the feet alternately in this manner: to step forward.
  2. to walk, or go on foot, especially for a few strides or a short distance: Step over to the bar.
  3. to move with measured steps, as in a dance.
  4. to go briskly or fast, as a horse.
  5. to obtain, find, win, come upon, etc., something easily and naturally, as if by a mere step of the foot: to step into a good business opportunity.
  6. to put the foot down; tread by intention or accident: to step on a cat's tail.
  7. to press with the foot, as on a lever, spring, or the like, in order to operate some mechanism.
verb (used with object), stepped, step·ping.
  1. to take (a step, pace, stride, etc.).
  2. to go through or perform the steps of (a dance).
  3. to move or set (the foot) in taking a step.
  4. to measure (a distance, ground, etc.) by steps (sometimes followed by off or out).
  5. to make or arrange in the manner of a series of steps.
  6. to fix (a mast) in its step.
Verb Phrases
  1. step down,
    • to lower or decrease by degrees.
    • to relinquish one's authority or control; resign: Although he was past retirement age, he refused to step down and let his son take over the business.
  2. to become involved; intervene, as in a quarrel or fight: The brawl was well under way by the time the police stepped in.
  3. step out,
    • to leave a place, especially for a brief period of time.
    • to walk or march at a more rapid pace.
    • to go out to a social gathering or on a date: We're stepping out tonight.
  4. step up,
    • to raise or increase by degrees: to step up production.
    • to be promoted; advance.
    • to make progress; improve.
  1. to interrupt or cease walking or marching in step: The marching units were allowed to break step after they had passed the reviewing stand.
  2. in step,
    • moving in time to a rhythm or with the corresponding step of others.
    • in harmony or conformity with: They are not in step with the times.
  3. to keep pace; stay in step: The construction of classrooms and the training of teachers have not kept step with population growth.
  4. out of step,
    • not in time to a rhythm or corresponding to the step of others.
    • not in harmony or conformity with: They are out of step with the others in their group.
  5. step by step,
    • from one stage to the next in sequence.
    • gradually and steadily: We were shown the steelmaking process step by step.
  6. to hasten one's activity or steps; hurry up: If we don't step on it, we'll miss the show.
  7. to set about putting something into operation; begin to act: I will take steps to see that your application is processed.
  8. to proceed with caution; behave prudently: If she doesn't watch her step, she will be fired from her job.
  1. a prefix denoting connection between members of a family by the remarriage of a parent and not by blood: stepbrother.
  1. the act of motion brought about by raising the foot and setting it down again in coordination with the transference of the weight of the body
  2. the distance or space covered by such a motion
  3. the sound made by such a movement
  4. the impression made by such movement of the foot; footprint
  5. the manner of walking or moving the feet; gait
  6. a sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance or part of a dance
  7. any of several paces or rhythmic movements in marching, dancing, etc
  8. a course followed by a person in walking or as walking
  9. one of a sequence of separate consecutive stages in the progression towards some goal
  10. a rank or grade in a series or scale
  11. an object or device that offers support for the foot when ascending or descending
  12. a flight of stairs, esp out of doors
  13. (plural) another name for stepladder
  14. a very short easily walked distance
  15. a melodic interval of a second
  16. an offset or change in the level of a surface similar to the step of a stair
  17. a strong block or frame bolted onto the keel of a vessel and fitted to receive the base of a mast
  18. a ledge cut in mining or quarrying excavations
  19. to cease to march in step
  20. in step
    • marching, dancing, etc, in conformity with a specified pace or moving in unison with others
    • in agreement or harmony
  21. to remain walking, marching, dancing, etc, in unison or in a specified rhythm
  22. out of step
    • not moving in conformity with a specified pace or in accordance with others
    • not in agreement; out of harmony
  23. with care and deliberation; gradually
  24. to undertake measures (to do something) with a view to the attainment of some end
  25. watch one's step
    • to conduct oneself with caution and good behaviour
    • to walk or move carefully
verb steps, stepping or stepped
  1. to move by raising the foot and then setting it down in a different position, transferring the weight of the body to this foot and repeating the process with the other foot
  2. to move or go on foot, esp for a short distance
  3. to move, often in an attractive graceful manner, as in dancing
  4. to place or press the foot; tread
  5. to enter (into a situation) apparently with ease
  6. to walk or take (a number of paces, etc)
  7. to perform the steps of
  8. to set or place (the foot)
  9. to measure (some distance of ground) by stepping
  10. to arrange in or supply with a series of steps so as to avoid coincidence or symmetry
  11. to raise (a mast) and fit it into its step
    • a set of aerobic exercises designed to improve the cardiovascular system, which consists of stepping on and off a special box of adjustable height
    • (as modifier)
n acronym for
  1. Special Temporary Employment Programme
combining form
  1. indicating relationship through the previous marriage of a spouse or parent rather than by blood
Step (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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