Sterile (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. free from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic: Successful operations rely on timely delivery of the sterile surgical instruments needed for each procedure.
  2. incapable of producing offspring; not producing offspring.
  3. barren; not producing vegetation: Attempts to cultivate the land have failed because of the sterile soil.
  4. Botany.
    • noting a plant in which reproductive structures fail to develop.
    • bearing no stamens or pistils.
  5. not productive of results, ideas, etc.; fruitless.
  6. lacking vitality, vibrancy, interest, etc.: Art can transform an otherwise sterile office into a happy, inspiring, and comforting space.
  1. unable to produce offspring; infertile
  2. free from living, esp pathogenic, microorganisms; aseptic
  3. (of plants or their parts) not producing or bearing seeds, fruit, spores, stamens, or pistils
  4. lacking inspiration or vitality; fruitless
  5. (of gold) not being used to support credit creation or an increased money supply
    Sterile (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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