Stimulus (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural stim·u·li [stim-yuh-lahy]. /ˈstɪm yəˌlaɪ/.
  1. something that incites to action or exertion or quickens action, feeling, thought, etc.: The approval of others is a potent stimulus.
  2. something that excites an organism or part to functional activity.
noun plural -li (-ˌlaɪ, -ˌliː)
  1. something that stimulates or acts as an incentive
  2. any drug, agent, electrical impulse, or other factor able to cause a response in an organism
  3. an object or event that is apprehended by the senses
  4. med a former name for stimulant
Plural stimuli (stĭmyə-lī′)
    Stimulus (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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