Stoma (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

noun, plural sto·ma·ta [stoh-muh-tuh, stom-uh-, stoh-mah-tuh], /ˈstoʊ mə tə, ˈstɒm ə-, stoʊˈmɑ tə/, sto·mas.
  1. any of various small apertures, especially one of the minute orifices or slits in the epidermis of leaves, stems, etc., through which gases are exchanged.
  2. a mouth or ingestive opening, especially when in the form of a small or simple aperture.
  3. an artificial opening between two hollow organs or between one hollow organ and the outside of the body, constructed to permit the passage of body fluids or waste products.
noun plural stomata (ˈstəʊmətə, ˈstɒm-, stəʊˈmɑːtə)
  1. an epidermal pore, present in large numbers in plant leaves, that controls the passage of gases into and out of a plant
  2. a mouth or mouthlike part
  3. an artificial opening made in a tubular organ, esp the colon or ileum
Plural stomata (stōmə-tə)
    Stoma (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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