Stool (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

  1. a single seat on legs or a pedestal and without arms or a back.
  2. a short, low support on which to stand, step, kneel, or rest the feet while sitting.
  3. the stump, base, or root of a plant from which propagative organs are produced, as shoots for layering.
  4. the base of a plant that annually produces new stems or shoots.
  5. a cluster of shoots or stems springing up from such a base or from any root, or a single shoot or layer.
  6. a bird fastened to a pole or perch and used as a decoy.
  7. an artificial duck or other bird, usually made from wood, used as a decoy by hunters.
  8. a privy.
  9. the fecal matter evacuated at each movement of the bowels.
  10. the sill of a window.
  11. a bishop's seat considered as symbolic of his authority; see.
  12. the sacred chair of certain African chiefs, symbolic of their kingship.
verb (used without object)
  1. to put forth shoots from the base or root, as a plant; form a stool.
  2. to turn informer; serve as a stool pigeon.
  1. to fail, through hesitation or indecision, to select either of two alternatives.
  1. a backless seat or footrest consisting of a small flat piece of wood, etc, resting on three or four legs, a pedestal, etc
  2. a rootstock or base of a plant, usually a woody plant, from which shoots, etc, are produced
  3. a cluster of shoots growing from such a base
  4. a decoy used in hunting
  5. waste matter evacuated from the bowels
  6. a lavatory seat
  7. (in W Africa, esp Ghana) a chief's throne
  8. fall between two stools
    • to fail through vacillation between two alternatives
    • to be in an unsatisfactory situation through not belonging to either of two categories or groups
verb (intr)
  1. (of a plant) to send up shoots from the base of the stem, rootstock, etc
  2. to lure wildfowl with a decoy
Stool (noun) Definition, Meaning & Examples

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